Adding An Email Account to MicroSoft Outlook
Set Up Your Email Account Manually
It is best to set up your account manually.
You will need:
Your email address eg. (this is your account username - the whole email address)
Your email password eg. Sd%$WYW$%B
Your mailserver setting (used for both incoming and outgoing mail server) For example or
Create a new account
Open Outlook
Click FILE in top Menu
Open Profiles
Click on the dropdown arrow next to Account Settings and click Manage Profiles
Select Email Accounts
Click on Email Accounts
Once the next screen opens click ADD NEW
Email Details
Click Manually configure and select IMAP
Email Address: Add you full email address
For both Incoming and Outgoing mail server use the setting Llamablue provided you eg.
User Name: Your full email address
Password: Add you password you have been provided
CLICK More Settings
General Tab
Use this field if you want to give your Mail Account a personalised LABEL
Outgoing Server Tab
Make sure it is checked like this image
Advanced Tab
Select the options for PORT NUMBERS as shown
Then click OK
Click NEXT and this will test the settings
IF everything is correct it will go to FINISH and you can click this and start using your account
Not Working?
If your email set-up in Outlook fails then you likely have one of two possible problems:
The password, email address or mailserver setting you typed was slightly incorrect. Check these and try again.
Your IP address may have been blocked by our firewall which occasionally happens during setup.
You will know this is the case if you cannot reach (where yourdomainname is the name of your website).
In this case, go to and find the IPv4 address:
eg. My Public IPv4 is:
Report that IP Address and you issue to
It can be helpful for us to resolve your issues remotely if you install Teamviewer.